Writing Queries & Mutations

Blitz queries and mutations are plain, asynchronous Javascript functions that always run on the server.

We automatically alias the root of your project, so import db from 'db' is importing <project_root>/db/index.ts

Example Query:

// app/products/queries/getProduct.tsx
import db, { FindOneProductArgs } from "db";
export default async function getProduct(args: FindOneProductArgs) {
// Can do any pre-processing or event triggers here
const product = await db.product.findOne(args);
// Can do any post-processing or event triggers here
return product;

Example Mutation:

// app/products/mutations/createProduct.tsx
import db, { ProductCreateArgs } from "db";
export default async function createProduct(args: ProductCreateArgs) {
// Can do any pre-processing or event triggers here
const product = await db.product.create(args);
// Can do any post-processing or event triggers here
return product;

Using Queries

Queries In a React Component

Blitz provides a useQuery hook, which is built on react-query. The first argument is a query function. The second argument is the input to the query function. The third argument is any valid react-query configuration item.

At build time, the direct function import is swapped out for a function that executes a network call to run the query serverside.

React Concurrent Mode is enabled by default for Blitz apps. So the <Suspense> component is used for loading states and <ErrorBoundary> is used to display errors. If you need, you can read the React Concurrent Mode Docs.

import { Suspense } from "react";
import { useRouter, useQuery } from "blitz";
import getProduct from "/app/products/queries/getProduct";
import ErrorBoundary from "app/components/ErrorBoundary";
function Product() {
const router = useRouter();
const id = parseInt(router.query.id as string);
const [product] = useQuery(getProduct, { where: { id: props.query.id } });
return <div>{product.name}</div>;
export default function() {
return (
fallback={error => <div>Error: {JSON.stringify(error)}</div>}
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<Product />

Queries On the Server

In getStaticProps, a query function can be called directly without useQuery

import getProduct from "/app/products/queries/getProduct";
export const getStaticProps = async context => {
const product = await getProduct({ where: { id: context.params?.id } });
return { props: { product } };
export default function({ product }) {
return <div>{product.name}</div>;

In getServerSideProps, pass a query function to ssrQuery which will ensure appropriate middleware is run before/after your query function.

import { ssrQuery } from 'blitz'
import getProduct from '/app/products/queries/getProduct'
export const getServerSideProps = async ({params, req, res}) => {
const product = await ssrQuery(getProduct, {where: {id: params.id}}, {req, res}))
return {props: {product}}
export default function({product}) {
return <div>{product.name}</div>

For more details, read the comprehensive Query & Mutation Usage Issue

Using Mutations

Mutations are called directly, like a regular asynchronous function.

At build time, the direct function import is swapped out for a function that executes a network call to run the mutation server-side.

import { useQuery } from 'blitz'
import getProduct from '/app/products/queries/getProduct'
import updateProduct from '/app/products/mutations/updateProduct'
import { Formik } from 'formik';
function (props) {
const [product] = useQuery(getProduct, {where: {id: props.id}})
return (
onSubmit={async values => {
try {
const product = await updateProduct(values)
} catch (error) {
alert('Error saving product')
{/* ... */}

For more details, read the comprehensive Query & Mutation Usage Issue